The courage is awake


Currently, Duchess Meghan (37) and Prince Harry (34) are taking care of this 16-day trip to Australia, Fiji, Tonga and New Zealand.

With Australia and Fiji having completed their work, the island of Tonga organized a trip earlier this week.

On Thursday, the couple of Dukes arrived on the island, located between New Zealand and Hawaii, where they were greeted by a sea of ​​delighted people.

When the popular duo bowed against the red runner, many worried about the growth of Meghans' stomach, as revealed the couple for a short time while waiting for their first child.

Nevertheless, there were other things that stole attention on Thursday morning.

Strong in turns

In a long red dress, the duchess was broken beside her husband, but it was clear that she could have spent a little time in the turns when fleeing to the Pacific Ocean .

DO YOU SEE THE DETAIL ?: A small detail of the Duchess Meghan's dress caused the sprinkling of bleach in the tabloids. Do you see what that is? Photo: NTB Scanpix
Do you see the detail ?: A small detail of the Duchess Meghan's dress caused the sprinkling of the bleach. Do you see what that is? Photo: NTB Scanpix
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The duchess had neglected a detail by her carefully chosen dress. At the bottom of the edge of the skirt, the label was still hanging.

It's the Australian CNN journalist, Sophie Walsh, who discovered the first motive.

"With so many outfits and changes, I think the duchess can be forgiven for that, the label is still hanging on the dress," Walsh wrote in a post on Twitter.

Then the images became social and traditional media fighters.

Fierce debate

What kind of fix hanging on the edge of Meghan has since been fiercely discussed in social media.

Some people think that the patch is a benchmark for laundry, while others think it is a return ride that loan dresses often have.

MERCEDURE: The Duchess Meghan took a slight courage when she forgot to remove a tag attached to the dress. Photo: NTB Scanpix
LABEL: The Duchess Meghan had a slight courage when she forgot to remove a label attached to the dress. Photo: NTB Scanpix
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However, CNN and People believe that it is clear that this is a common label, as is the case for new clothing.

On the images to be indicated, the name of the garment brand's dress comes from "Self portrait" on the label.

The article continues under the pictures.

WHAT CAN BE? Many do not agree with what could be the patch on the duchess Meghan. Photo: NTB Scanpix

WHAT CAN BE? Many do not agree with what could be the patch on the duchess Meghan. Photo: NTB Scanpix
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IN BLUE: The duke couple is matched in blue and cried when he met the king couple of Tonga during his two-day visit. Photo: NTB scan scan
IN BLUE: The duchess was compared in blue and cried when she met the couple King of Tonga during her two-day visit. Photo: NTB scan scan
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MORE SHIFT: The Duchess Meghan shined in several different outfits under Tonga's field and apparently forgot to remove more tags from her skirts. Photo: AP / NTb scanpix
MORE SHIFT: The Duchess Meghan shined in several different outfits under the Tonga ridge, apparently, forgot to remove more labels from her skirts. Photo: AP / NTb scanpix
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HOLLYWOOD STARS: Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry shined like real movie stars at the first party in Tonga. Photo: NTB scan scan
HOLLYWOOD: STARS Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry shined like real movie stars at a reception for a first night in Tonga. Photo: NTB scan scan
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Several sections

Merkelapp or ei, long-haired back and forth from the Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry have not gone unnoticed in the past.

Even at their first stop in Australia, the duchess created titles for another fashion choice.

Meghan, who, without exception, has been very hot since being awarded a Duchess of Sussex in May, raised awareness when she clashed in flat shoes last week.

SUPREME CHANGE: The Duchess Meghan chose to switch from her beige high heels to a pair of flat shoes during her visit to Australia last week. This is the first time she appears in low shoes during the duchess period. Photo: NTB scan scan
GENERAL CHANGES: The Duchess Meghan chose to switch from her beige high heels to a pair of flat shoes during her visit to Australia last week. This is the first time she appears in low shoes during the duchess period. Photo: NTB scan scan
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On the other hand, it is not only because of the lack of high heels in the shoe that the choice has attracted attention. The shoe itself has a special back story and, according to the experts of the king's house, a political melody.

The sensational shoe, which has been a recent trend on Instagram, is that it is made from recycled water bottles.

Political message?

It is not common for the royal family to be political, but with that, Meghan shows – if only by a small breeze – that she cares about the environment.

Anders Johan Stavseng, King's expert in Se og Hør, could say that he understands that shoes have created titles around the world.

"Meghan has always been shown high heels in official performance missions.Now she has adopted low shoes in Australia and that is because she is hurting her back." Prince Harry and Meghan are forced to follow a tight schedule with few breaks, she can not just sit and rest in a cafe, like most people, the fact that the shoes are also environmentally friendly he said at the time.

READ ALSO: You can not lie like that, Meghan

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