Klassekampen.no | New crisis plan against nuclear risks


TRUSSEL: The intensification of military activity on both sides, Russian and ally, contributes to jeopardize a serious nuclear spill in Norway.


The same week, at the beginning of the largest military exercise of NATO in 2002 on Norwegian soil, the Norwegian authorities ask the population to buy iodine tablets in case of an accident nuclear.

Even though the weather is random, according to Deputy State Chief Astrid Liland, military activity is part of the backdrop.

"Øvinga reminds that it is important to have iodine tablets heime, win Liland.

Previously, there was a central layer of iodine tablets that would be distributed by radioactive contamination as a result of an atomic spill. But to achieve the best possible effect, the iodine should be very close to exposure to radioactive iodine. It is therefore recommended that people consume iodine at the present time.

The Norwegian Radiation Protection Agency, the Norwegian Directorate of Health, Apotekforeininga and the Norwegian Medicines Agency have been working in the summer of 2017 at a number of iodine tablets too weak in the pharmacy Norwegian. It has been difficult to convince a producer to deliver iodine tablets to the Norwegian market, but no agreement has been reached.

"The threatened threat of the last few years is why it is available," said Liland, who hopes that people will follow the Council.

– An accident can happen. Then people should have iodine heime tablets in their medicine cabinet. Iodine tablets contain natural iodine that saturates the thyroid gland with iodine to prevent the absorption of radioactive iodine, which reduces the risk of cancer of the thyroid.


Tips on iodine tablets:

• Government Radiation Protection forces people to have iodine tablets in their medicine cabinet.

• From 1 November, iodine tablets will be available in Norwegian pharmacies.

• From the same date, only one phone will open if people have questions about iodine tablets at 815 55 015.

• There are children and adolescents under 40 years old and pregnant women who must take iodine tablets to prevent the radioactive iodine of atomic epidemics.

Multiple factors are more

Several factors mean that the image of the threat is the last page of the last time the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority published a report on the image of the threat in 2008. Among the following information:

Strengthen the military activity of allies in northern Norway

Strengthen Russian military activity in the north

Fleire Allied, nuclear powered vessels in Norway

The report also states that Norway publishes, for the first time since the cold war, a scenario of the use of nuclear weapons in or near Norwegian territory. The work is ongoing and it is the Crisis Committee for Nuclear Preparation that defends it.

"The Norwegian authorities are again considering the use of nuclear weapons in or near Norwegian territory as an inconceivable scenario," he said.

According to the report, both accidents involving boats and planes pose a risk, as mentioned by Barents Observer for the first time.

Fleere Ships in Norway

The report shows that the first was a special naval station Haakonsvern in Bergen, which was the port of nuclear-powered ships, but more and more ships are arriving in northern Norway and there are even more allied ships in Norway .

"From 10 to 15 calls a year ago a few years ago, Norway now receives 30 to 40 calls a year from French, British and American submarines equipped with reactors," the report said.

"After the fall of the wall and the end of the cold war, it was slowing down.What I do not see with the revitalization of total defense, it is an escalation, both in Norway and in Europe. In this respect too, I note an increased interest in the northern region, victory Liland.

– Do you want to see that the current military exercise gives an additional expression of activity that has endangered the threat?

– yes This is the largest NATO exercise in Norway since the Cold War. I think everyone is single.

The Ministry of Defense issues a license when nuclear powered vessels land in Norway, with the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority acting as an advisory body. In connection with the ongoing military efforts, according to Liland, a license has been granted to hangar carrier Harry S. Truman.

The license is given considering that a nuclear reactor is proposed. It is not applied for a nuclear weapons license, according to Liland. It refers to the Bratteli Doctrine of 1975, which will ensure that ships in Norway are not endowed with nuclear weapons.

Flying with nuclear weapons

– They also say that nuclear-armed aircraft can fly near Norway?

– that's true. Foreign aircraft will not fly over Norwegian airspace, but it is possible that there are planes with nuclear weapons on board near Norway. The most sophisticated nuclear weapons in the world and among the most sophisticated of Norwegian neighborhoods. I can not rule out an accident, win Liland.

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