– arrested for aggression


Actor Alec Baldwin (60) is arrested for assault related to a squabble over a parking lot, reports CNN Friday night, Norwegian time.

Lieutenant John Grimple of the New York Police Department said on the site that the incident had occurred in the 10th street of Manhattan, without however specifying what had actually happened.

Besides the fact that Baldwin is known for his parodies of President Donald Trump in Saturday Night Live, he is currently director of the television show "The Alec Baldwin Show".

CNN has been in contact with the spokesperson of the Hollywood star who has not yet responded to their requests.

Since 2012, this 60-year-old woman is married to Hilaria Baldwin (34), a 26-year-old yoga teacher. Together, they have four young children. Alec also has the daughter Ireland Baldwin (23 years) resulting from the tumultuous marriage with the actor Kim Basinger (64 years old).

The case is updated!

FAMILY MAN: This is Baldwin on tour with his wife and four youngest children in New York recently. Photo: NTB Scanpix
MAN FAMILY Here is Baldwin on tour with his wife and four youngest children in New York recently. Photo: NTB Scanpix
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