TMZ: Pitt and Jolie meet in a delivery bag


GOOD DAYS: Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt disagree on how to spread the responsibility of the six children they have together. Now they meet in court.
GOOD DAYS: Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt disagree on how to spread the responsibility of the six children they have together. Now they meet in court. Photo: Mario Anzuoni / Reuters


According to the American celebrity website, the two Hollywood stars will gather in a court in a month to decide who will be responsible for the parents of the six children they have together.


More than two years ago Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt divorced, but the divorce itself is for unknown reasons at the moment is not officialized. They also have not agreed who should be responsible for the children.

Want 50-50

Jolie has previously claimed that the ex-husband has not paid enough child support since the break. Brad Pitt replied that he had exploded heavily.

It now seems that the case of distribution of children can be solved before Christmas.

TMZ reports Monday night local time that the two men will meet at the Los Angeles court on December 4 and that the delay will be two to three weeks for the talks in court. Then a judge will decide the outcome of the battle.

Jolie wants the children to live with her. Pitt demands a 50/50 distribution, according to court documents, TMZ claims that access has been granted to them.

Along with the distribution of children, both parties will agree on what will happen to the enormous wealth that they have worked while they were in a relationship. The case is expected to last until the summer of 2019.

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