A 99-year-old tabloid kicked off half of the editorial board – DN.no


Staff at The New York Daily News, nearly 100 years old, do not start well this week.

The newspaper presses half of the editorial staff with immediate effect, writes Reuters and several US media. 19659002] The staff received the shocking message in the email Monday morning, US time, writes CNN Money. There, the paper must undergo a fundamental restructuring that will radically change the editorial priorities. The unsigned post was sent by the Trunk Talent and Engagement Department.

The newspaper was created in 1919 as the first tabloid in the United States and is known for its superb covers. Instead, The New York Daily News will focus more on its online edition.

– Today, we are reducing the size of writers by about 50%, and much of our talent on breaking news. and public accountability, it is mentioned in the epost

As with many other traditional print media, the cause of the drastic cuts in the New York Daily News is the decline in advertising revenue, declining readership and major financial issues. Monday's announcement had published The Daily News on 85 employed journalists. Sparkingen has received strong criticism from several teams on social media. Among other things, the mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio, who shot Twitter the following ointment:

-It is not a secret that I am from time to time disagree with Daily News. But Trunk's greedy decision to cut news editorial is bad for the authorities and a disaster for New York City. Trunk should sell the newspaper to anyone engaged in local journalism.

The Daily News has won 11 Pulitzer Prizes throughout history. The newspaper, among other things, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for 2017 for the disclosure of how the New York Police has thrown the poor out of their homes.

Pulitzer Prize are the most important awards for journalistic work in the United States. It's Columbia University in New York, which rewards the award each year in April.

Clippings in the New York Daily News are not the first thing Troncs has in the press industry this year. In April, more Los Angeles Times employees had to take their hats, and the same thing happened in the Chicago Tribune a few months earlier.
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