A boy hit by a police car – Special Unit Investigator


The Bureau opened an investigation after a young boy was more easily injured when Hij was struck by a police car in prison in Oslo on Friday.

The police were victims of a road accident in Korsgata. on a scooter. He was with a companion, and the police think there was a green light to cross the street.

The boy was named wounded on Friday night.

– This is the preliminary feedback we have received. We do not have a lot of details, but he's going to have some scrubs and a headache, "said Per Ivar Iversen, director of operations, at VG

deputy chief of police, Arve Røtterud, believes that the boy is between five and seven years old, according to the newspaper. An on-site witness estimates that the boy is in kindergarten

A neighbor tells VG that he heard a car arrive at a rapid speed in the street of Toftes where the accident occurred product.

– I'm wrong, so I was calm. When I looked out the window, I realized that an accident had occurred, the neighbor said.

The boy was sent to Ullevål Hospital, and his mother joined the ambulance.

The office was informed shortly after the accident

(© NTB)

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