A man drowned in the sea in Saltstraumen – NRK Nordland – Local news, TV and radio


At 1410, the police reported a man who had fallen overboard at Saltstraumen, and shortly thereafter he was reportedly taken care of by the water and the emergency services were en route.

. was on hand and had started treatment with the man.

Saltstraumen, located in the municipality of Bodø, is one of the strongest malstromers in the world. However, the man in the region is not characterized by a lot of electricity.

Death confirmed

At 7:45 pm, the police on Twitter announced that the man was confirmed dead.

– We were told that a man had fallen to Saltstraumen. When we arrived, we were told that the accident had occurred when the man was bathing and that he had been under water. It took 3-5 minutes before it was found under water.

That said the director of operation Remi Johansen at NRK.

He will then have started the heart and pulmonary advice of witnesses and ambulance personnel, but life was unable to save

The man is Norwegian and 73 years old, and he is supposed to be safe. being bathed in Kodvågen in Saltstraumen

Pårører has been warned

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