A man for his ants


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In the second film of the series "Ant-Man", there are more differences in size than in the previous film and action scenes with minor disputes are online. He strikes with a banal, dry humor with alternating luck when Ant-Man has to defeat the new villains with old Allies in Ant-Man and Wasp.

Warning: If you have not seen the first Man "movie, this review contains spoilers.The movie begins with a look back 30 years ago.We will know a little more about what really happened when Janet van Dyne, played by Michelle Pfeiffer, wife of Hope Van Dyne and mother of Hank Pym, played by Michael Douglas and Evangeline Lilly, narrowed between the molecules and disappeared forever. 19659004] READ MORE: The classification of the Finnish neighbors well functional and humorous

After the famous intro Marvel is played, we will be sent back to this day, Scott Lang, alias "Ant-Man", played by the nice Paul Rudd, was arrested by the FBI because of what happened in the Marvel movie "Captain America: Civil War" (2016) so it's an advantage if something else is put on other movies in the cartoon universe, although "Ant-Man and the Wasp" also plays the r independent film scene.

Scott Lang has three days of his two-year house arrest, and we meet him playing with his improbable daughter, as often happens in movies where children will guide parents in nature. At the same time, Hank Pym and Hope Van Dyne plan to recover their wife and mother – Janet – and try to build a portal to transport people between the quantum world where they are stuck and our world. It turns out that "Ant-Man" has a connection with Janet, and he is suddenly released from his safe and quiet existence.

There was manko on female superheroes in the Marvel Universe, although characters such as "Black Widow", played by Scarlett Johansson or "Scarlett Witch" played by Elizabeth Olsen, were played a key role in several films. In "Ant-Man and the Wasp" is played the woof of Evangeline Lilly, which makes him more convincing as a superhero in this film than in the first

Hard-Hitting: Evangeline Lilly in the role of Hope, aka Wasp, struggling to recover the mother of the quantum universe. Photo: Ben Rothstein

The film also contributes to a female villain, something that was missing in Marvel's early films. Ava, aka "Ghost", is performed by Hannah John-Kamen, formerly known in the television series "Black Mirror". The role is somewhat uneven and can be difficult to obtain. Nevertheless, "Ghost" is better than the villain of the first movie "Ant-Man", "Yellowjacket" played by Corey Stoll.

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The film plays to the extent that it is, well, regards, a movie about ants. Any occasion where the insect can be used is fully utilized by director Peyton Reed. You can see ants of different sizes build and destroy machines, working as GPS and, as in the first movie "Ant-Man", are a means of transport for very, very small people.

Although the technology and science behind the quantum universe and molecular instability are repeatedly explained, it is not easy to seize them. Nevertheless, the film makes a good point about the problem and repeatedly makes fun of the complexity behind science. Filmmakers also joke with the typical superhero clips and there are several moments, you have to shoot the smile group. At the same time, some humor attempts and quick responses are too cheap.

The Super Hero Net merges well with everything happening in the Marvel Universe of the day and takes place before the events of the latest Marvel movie. "War in the infinite". Perhaps most of the first of them. Apropos 'Infinity War', of course, it is recommended to be seated and bring the two clips shown after the end of the film. They give an idea of ​​what's going on in future Marvel movies.

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