A man in Mickey Mouse costume stopped after complaining to women at Karl Johan's


A man was arrested and arrested after repeatedly complaining about passing women at the Karl Johans Gate in Oslo, wearing the Mikke Mus costume.

The general director of police in Oslo, Gjermund Stokkli, announces to TV 2 that the man is in the early 20's and coming from Romania.

Securitas AB security officers called the police.

– At 5:00 pm today, we received a message from Karl Johan's guards. They have received a number of complaints from women who say that a man wearing the Mickey Mouse costume has taken them, "says Stokkli.

According to the guards, the man did these actions for almost a week.

– The man is of foreign origin does not speak Norwegian.Now he will face the control of aliens.It is to check if he has a license to legal residence

Stokkli announces to TV 2 that the man is reported for offensive behavior and that he is interrogated.This is not often that the police receive this type of investigation , he says.

– It seldom happens that people make criminal charges in a Mickey Mouse costume on an open street, no

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