A Marine Accident Victim In Arendal – NRK Norway – Overview Of News From Different Regions Of The Country


A little over twelve thirty in the morning, the Agder police reported that one person had been found killed by a cane in Hove, part of Tromøya, on the outside from Arendal


– The person was found 11.35 on a lot located on an island just outside Hove Campground. A water scooter was found nearby. The director of operations Sveinung Alsaker in the police district of Agder at NTB immediately investigated and declared dead on the scene of relief,

Boy (16 years old) died in a PWC accident

. a boat and a water scooter.

The accident occurred outside the holiday center in Rosfjorden, which lies between Farsund and Mandal. In addition to the deceased boy, two other boys aged 17 and 15 were involved.

Last year, the ban on the PWC race was lifted. However, in some areas, it is still illegal to continue with such ships

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