– It's almost a nightmare that has crossed this village after Eidnes has joined his business. It is an activity that does not fit into a rural community
The words do not come from an unfortunate and despised neighbor – but from Deputy Mayor Sigmund Simmenes (Sp).
They say a lot about the frustration that has accumulated in the municipality of Vaksdal, having fought for a long battle to move the shipyard of Bjørn Olav Eidnes away from the center of the small town of Stamnes
There were also enough small phones from the town hall to the county governor. Kjell Kvingedal, Resort Environmental Manager, immediately understands the theme when Stamnes' name is mentioned
– it's a complex issue that we've addressed over the past ten years. There are no simple solutions to this, but I find that developments have been positive in recent years. Therefore, it was unfortunate that it happened now. But not surprising – we suspected it could happen, says Kvingedal.
GOT DOWN: On Wednesday, a 50-foot fishing boat descended to the Bjarne Olav Eidnes workshop. This resulted in diesel leaks into the fjord. Now the neighbors and the municipality have enough
Photo: Alrik Velsvik / NRK
– The odor saves in the house
What happened was a fishing boat of 50 Wednesday feet on the dock in front of the yard. Even though the firefighter was coming out and releasing the lenses, the diesel leak was clearly visible far away in the Veafjord.
In addition, there was an almost unbearable smell, according to Egil Kaland (41) and Line Eide Vik (33) and Egil Kaland (41). With children Tilde (8) and Ida (6), they live in a detached house with large terraces, shorelines and beautiful views, at least straight ahead.
The construction site is 50 meters to the right.
– It's so smelly in our home that it's almost impossible to be there. We must sleep with the windows completely closed, as it comes in so much smell, "says Kaland.
LEKKASJE: The lacquered Dieselen of the sunken fishing boat was clearly visible in the Veafjord.
Photo: Renathe Vik
"Cleaning Strategy" four years ago
The fishing boat was supposed to be ridden on Thursday, but when NRK was in the village on Friday, he was still on
Also in 2006 one of the Eidnes boats descended to the dock at Stamnes.And in 2016, there was a water intrusion into the engine room into another unauthorized boat which had been moored permanently outside the workshop.
This last event took place two years after the adoption by the municipality of Vaksdal "At the shipyard
But a water intrusion, a sunken boat and five treats Later in the presidency, this strategy can not be considered successful, says Deputy Chief Sigmund Simmenes
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SMALL BUILDING: Stamnes is located along Veafjorden in the municipality of Vaksdal, between Bergen and Voss.
– It looks horrible
and the bureaucrats all complain about the noise and smell of the workshop and the harmful leakage to the environment on a regular basis . In addition, demolished and rusted boats, vehicles and scrapers mean that the water and the terrain are damaging the village.
– Stamnes is actually one of the most idyllic places in the municipality of Vaksdal. But that ruins a lot. If you come to the seaside it seems rude, says Deputy Mayor Simmenes.
After previous complaints, the county governor and the municipality asked Eidnes for minor cleanings and the owner of the shop did what he was told. The Maritime Branch and Coastal Administration were also in charge, without having found any reason to take the dramatic action of Eidne.
But the municipality wants him, the workshop, "scrapes" and boats dodge from Stamnes and Vaksdal. car workshop ” title=”Foto: Mette Anthun / NRK”/>
SKRAP: Neighbors believe that Eidnes uses the workshop as a place of storage and collection for things that have nothing to do with the workshop.
Photo: Mette Anthun / NRK
– We can not say:! "
But they do not understand.Because they've been trying for 10-15 years, they have failed to take Eidnes into grossly illegal illegalities."
– We must follow certain rules of the game and can not simply say: "Because it's a legal activity," says Simmenes.
However, the deputy mayor does not hesitate to use strong words for what is after all a businessman in his municipality.
– The legal activity is so boring that we will not get rid of the problem until we He found another place to be – if there had been any way to get him away, he was gone, said Simmenes.
reportedly worked: – Stamnes is actually one of the most idyllic places in the municipality of Vaksdal. But it's very much in ruins, says Deputy Mayor Sigmund Simmenes about the workshop behind him
Photo: Mette Anthun / NRK
The Reason the county governor is engaged is mainly the fear that the boats exist The kai, without being operational, will sink and pollute the fjord.
They actually had a complaint about a boat for treatment, but stopped working when Vaksdal politicians signed an agreement with Eidnes: Five of the boats must be removed one by one; the last by August 30, 2019.
In the case documents of politicians, the advisor wrote that "the bargaining agreement is to the extent that the owners are ready to stretch . " But that "an agreement is preferable to a forced decision", both economically, and to move away the boats.
And the first of the five boats has already been removed. But neither Eidnes' promise that four other boats will be removed is good enough for the deputy mayor.
EXCEPT: The workshop of Bjarne Olav Eidnes is not desirable in the municipality of Vaksdal. Eidnes is not very interested in talking about the issue, but agrees to respond to statements from the municipality and neighbors by standing on one of the boats that are at the heart of the battle.
Photo: Erling Johnsen / NRK
Neighbors do not like me, I've long understood
Bjarne Olav Eidnes understands it a bit. He realized that the neighbors and the municipality are skeptical, "he said, when the NRK interviewed him shouting from the dock while he was on a boat watching the skate poured, but it can not be driven out of the municipality. – I've been here for almost 20 years Neighbors do not like me, I understood a long time ago Eidnes is the owner and the managing director of Hardangerfrakt AS, who according to the records carries transport services by boat and Eidnes Holding AS, which owns
He has two boats carrying sand and stone and his workshop at Stamnes
Eidnes says that the skate that sank on Wednesday was in good condition.
– It was a terrible tragic event, which I did not expect under any circumstances. I apologize to the people of the village and everyone and we do what we can to limit the damage, "says the prop riétaire.
A LOT OF BOATS: Bjarne Olav Eidnes says the boats should be repairable. The neighbors and the municipality are skeptical, as few of them have arrived for several years.
Photo: Mette Anthun / NRK
Do not move
Eidnes claims that previous leaks have been rare and rare. He acknowledges that the non-operational boats stayed longer than he thought, because he was not able to repair them.
But he feels that whatever he does, he is mistaken, he says, and also believes
– It has been a workshop for 50 years and it was much worse before taking over. We tried to clean up, and now I've also met the municipality on a delivery plan. It's bad that they say they want to move me away, says Eidnes.
Although he realizes that he is not desired by the residents and the municipality, he intends to stay in Stamnes.
– Yes, where should I be? They may say that I broke the law and did their best, but they found nothing. I have not been punished, says Eidnes.
– They can receive help from the county
If the agreement for the removal of the five boats is broken, the municipality can start again to force them, according to the papers that they signed
– This is not a neighbor that we want, simply. "
However, the fact that the Kaland couple and Vik's small neighbor disappear for good, seems far away."
– This is not a neighbor that we want. destroys a place that could have been used for things completely different from the trash space, "said Egil Kaland.
King Line Eide Vik acknowledges that the family also has a little self to thank [19659011] – We have to live with There is a yard where we lived next to him, but it is not used as we thought, she says.
After working on the case during so many years without success, Vik does not fully believe that the municipality of Vaksdal will be able to solve the problem itself.] – This has been a headache for the municipality for many, many years. They may have help from the county she believes.