A victim in a head-on collision at Oppland – NRK Hedmark and Oppland – Local News, TV and Radio


The interior police district was informed of the collision at 10:37 pm.

– Two passenger cars collided frontally on Gausdalsvegen near Tollersud. In a car, there was a person, the driver of the car, who died, "said Pål Andersen, head of the district police operations at NRK at 11:45 pm.

In the other car, there were two people, one in the late 30s and one in the mid 20s.

"The passenger, a man in the late 30s, was transported to Ullevål Hospital in Oslo with serious injuries.The driver, a man in the mid-20s, is being treated at the hospital. Lillehammer hospital We do not know the amount of the damage, said the director of operations Pål Andersen at NTB.

The police strive to contact the loved ones of the lost person. Traffic on Gausdalveien was a period blocked in both directions due to the accident, but in the night from 2 am to Saturday, the road is open again.

– We completed the investigations on the spot. Both cars are towed and will be the subject of further investigation over the weekend. We have no reason or suspicion of the cause of the accident so far, "Andersen said.

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