– A worthy tenth anniversary! – NRK Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio


The slowdown of the biggest party on the beach in Scandinavia still lasts after the weekend festivities in Kristiansand

But there is no blue Monday, we believe the president of Palmesus AS , Leif Fosselie.

Festival large enough

This year there were 35 000 spectators in the festival and the director of the festival does not intend to add others to Bystranda next year.

– We love the size she has now and we have no desire or thought to enlarge

Fosselie wants to make the beach so beautiful, if not better after the party.

– People are good at cleaning, but with so many people in such a compressed area there will be a lot of waste. Fortunately, we have 3,000 employees and volunteers who stand up day and night to clean up.

He tells us that there are about 250 units of beer sold per minute during the festival and that there will be a few tons of waste to recycle.

 Palmesus 2016 at Bystranda in Kristiansand

The picture was taken at the Palmesus Festival in 2016.

Photo: Hans Erik Weiby / NRK

Ready for 2019

It was a big disappointment when the NERD title never appeared on Saturday. Flytrøbbel was the reason. Then the stress level was high

– it was very annoying but a relationship beyond our control. We tried to save the situation, but it turned out to be completely impossible because of the World Cup.

The crowd did not despair for long because superstar Steve Aoki soon said yes.

– Do you have Steve Aoki in quick dial?

– Not far from there, Fosselie laughs

Today, at 11am, tickets for Palmesus 2019 have been made public. A few minutes later, the so-called "early bird tickets" were exhausted

The headlines announced next year are Macklemore and Marshmello

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Photo: Siv Kristin Sællmann / NRK

Police "torn"

In collaboration with the Kripo network patrol, the police of Agder launched an account of the Snapchat Social Imaging Service, which was to be used on Palmesus Festival.

– We received many Snapchat tips from the public during the Palmesus. Someone we acted and he gave results. We are pleased that we have been able to provide this offer and we will deepen the experience in the police work on the Internet.

Torgeir Winsnes, Police Intelligence Director Agder

is written. retrospective evaluation, allowing young people to contact the police at Snapchat during similar arrangements.

Winsnes says the answer was exclusively positive.

– It worked very well. We received several requests from the public who was satisfied with the offer.

The festival director and the Agder police agreed that this year's Palmesus was held calmly

– We avoided the most serious events. event leads, leaves the manager of intelligence.

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