Admiral P: – Lost three friends and two cousins ​​in one year


In 2016, Philip Boardman (36 years old), better known as Admiral P, sings folk songs with his reggae versions of We Live's Wenche Myhres and Ravis Dead Seat in the show popular television "Every time". we meet. "

The talented artist has a Zambian mother and a Norwegian father.The father worked for Norad and came to Zambia in the 1970s." He met Grace, who later became the mother of Philip and his son. Young Christian brother

At the age of 13, the family moved from Zambia to Norway

five ended in one year, two cousins ​​and three friends.

– I have gone through a very depressed and difficult period.I have lost some members of my family and some friends in Zambia, tells Boardman at

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  GOOD VOTE: Here's Admiral P on the stage under VG Top 20's list at Rådhusplassen in Oslo last month Photo: Audun Braastad / NTB scanpix
GOOD VOICE: Here is Admiral P on the stage under the VG Top 20 list at the Town Hall Square in Oslo last month.Photo: Audun Braastad / NTB s canpix
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In writing and singing, Admiral P tried to put the injury behind him

– There is nothing you can do, it's only the time that can to be the drug. One must only try to have good memories and make the most of them, he says on the site.

As part of his participation in "Everytime We Meet" two years ago, Philip's opened in Africa

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– We were fine. I'd better play the guitar right next to my house than be with the ambassadors, he says in the program

Bad Environment

The reason the family moved out of Zambia was because that his father was really crazy. treatment in Norway. Shortly after their arrival, the father died. Philip approached her very closely and took the loss heavily.

– I got angry and did not feel confident and ended up fighting. Security disappeared, he spoke openly.

– I wandered the street and played with bad people. A little time with the criminals. I was robbed – and I stole it, shared it.

Philip tried to hide this from his mother, but at the age of 15, she had to take her son to a smooth cell. 19659002] History Continues Under The Image

  LADIES OF THE AMIRAL: Mom Grace Boardman (TV) and Timme Shisiali Cohabitant Mean A Lot For Philip Boardman, Or Admiral P, his artist name. Here they are gathered at Spellemannsprisen in 2012. Photo: Andreas Fadum
THE DAMES OF ADMIRALEN: Mom Grace Boardman (tv) and the cohabitant Timme Shisiali mean a lot to Philip Boardman, or the l & # 39; Admiral P, who is his artist name. Here they are collected at Spellemannsprisen in 2012. Photo: Andreas Fadum
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Did not speak Norwegian

In 2011 and 2013, the 36-year-old was nominated for Spellemann with two of his best-selling songs from Norway. And in 2014 he won Spellemann for this year's song with "Angel" with Nico D (38).

– You do not meet Norwegians with English, at least not the time that I started. So I had to try it in Norwegian. Otherwise, I do not think it worked so well. I sing and speak a little differently, it can be a bit of charm, Admiral P already said to Se og høre

Then the popular artist revealed that it took time before he wanted to speak Norwegian after moving to Norway, and that he was reluctantly taking the language he was ringing on now.

– It's strange how things work. Now, I am known for singing in Norwegian. So, it's very special how things are going, he shared.

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