Åge Hareide changed Nicklas Bendtner


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In September, Åge Hareide, the manager of Denmark 's national team, said it would be "unthinkable" to have a violent player on the national team.

However, after Nicklas Bendtner's sentencing to 50 days in jail on Friday, Hareide smuggled. He's no longer ready to answer questions about Bendtner's national team.

"When you have done something violent, you have to be responsible for it, then you will be judged, and then you come back to society in the usual way." That's how it should be, Hareide told Berlingske. Tidende.

– So Bendtner is not finished in the national team?

– No, no Far from. If he's good enough to play in the national team, he can come back. If you have been sentenced and you have tried, you should not persecute people. This is not how it works in society.

"Our position is different from that of the RBKs

Bendtner appealed the verdict on the spot. Lawyer Anders Németh motivated the appeal for the payment of the RBK tip.

Bendtner claims to have acted in self-defense. In court Friday, more details appeared on what happened before Bendtner hit the taxi driver in September. Among other things, it appeared that the taxi driver was furious and followed for Bendtner and his girlfriend, Philine Roepstorff, by car.

CEO Tove Moe Dyrhaug said the verdict would not affect Bendtner's future in Rosenborg. The council can play already Sunday when Odd Lerkendal guests.

Bendtner has not played for Denmark since March. He was ruled out of the World Cup team in the summer because of an injury.

If Denmark were to play this weekend, Bendtner would nevertheless be out of date, says the football director of the Danish Football Association DBU Peter Møller.

"I understand that his Norwegian club Rosenborg supports him and that they do not want to punish him.Our attitude is different.We would like to give an example.As a national actor, we are a model. 39, he punishes his sentence, and that the case has not yet been decided, you can not of course play against the national team.

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