Ap sniffs the six day day – Domestic


By Birgitte Iversen, NTB

The head of the committee, Arild Grande, does not rule out the fact that the party will open the sixth day as a serious political alternative, Dagbladet writes.

The committee will submit its recommendation to the Labor New Labor Policy. The PA meeting in 2019 will then take an official position on the proposals.

– We want to evaluate different proposals that can provide more hours of work to promote health, and the six-day day is a proposal, Great expands against NTB

Heavy Jobs

He says that A six-day day as a national standard, probably outdated, may apply to certain industries and sectors

– Today, some work in low-stress occupations. particularly in some female-dominated professions, such as the care and Some people have hard work at work and we need to do more to get healthier working time arrangements in Norway, "says Grande

who points out that more attempts lasted six and a half hours. ] – The results make it interesting for more jobs to test that. We need better managers who want to try different working time arrangements, "says Great

Splittet Party

Great admits that the view of the sixth day is very divided in the Ap.

– But we have never really discussed this in Norwegian politics and there are many ways to solve it. We need a real debate, says Grande.

SV, MDG and Red all entered the six day day. Dagbladet says the committee will also propose more flexible leave plans for parents of young children and timely contraceptives for young children, as well as stronger foundations in many industries. The committee also wants a skills reform.


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