Apple and Samsung fined for slowing mobile phones


The Italian competition authorities have put their fights on the move Apple and Samsung inflicts fines of 10 and 5 million euros for deliberately slowing the slowdown of old mobile phones.

This decision is probably the first against mobile phone manufacturers, after prosecutors around the world, to encourage companies to update the operating systems of older phones, slowing them down. Thus, the authorities are invited to scrape old and buy new phones, said the competition authority.

Apple and Samsung has set up a dishonest practice in the market, the statement said.

"Serious dysfunction"

It was determined that the upgrade of the operating system "caused serious malfunctions and significantly reduced performance, resulting in faster switching of phones".

It is reported, among other things, that Samsung has asked the owners of the older phone Note 4 to install a new version of the Android system for the latest Note 7 model, which has slowed down the old one.

Likewise, prayed Apple Owners of iPhone 6 must install the operating system planned for the 7th, which has created problems for users.

Performance reduction accepted

Apple admits that they have reduced the maximum performance of old mobiles to prevent them from turning off. This is explained by the fact that the batteries are no longer able to operate at maximum when they are worn out. Apple has also lowered the price of replacing the battery to 299 crowns in 2018.

They finally gave users the ability to turn off the "function" by reducing performance to protect the battery.

The reason for this Apple impose a much higher fine, criticizes the fact that the company did not provide information to customers about the essential characteristics of lithium batteries in their mobile phone models. This is the average life of a battery and what can be done to extend its life.

The Italian competition authorities opened an investigation in January after several consumer complaints.

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