– We are excited to announce the best quarter of Apple and the fourth quarter in a row with revenue growth, said Apple CEO Tim Cook, when the The company's quarterly results were released Tuesday night.
before the quarterly figures of Apple, after a long time in red. The results refined the stock directly in the aftersale market on Wall Street, up 2.6%.
The company achieved a real business turnover of 53.3 billion, one billion more than expected. This will send the stock directly into the aftermarket on Wall Street. IPhone sales are a little worse than expected – 41.3 versus 41.79 million.
Mixed Results for Techgigants
The rise to the Apple announcement was anything but promising.
While FANG's so-called actions: Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Google (Alphabet) reported record returns over the last year, last month did not look as bright as half of the biggest giants of technology. While the commercial giant Amazon and Google holds Alphabet continues its strong growth, Facebook and Netflix have had to find equity after the disappointing quarterly discussions:
Netflix has reached the user's goals and dropped 12.7 % on the stock market after quarterly figures lower than expected. 19659008] The action Facebook plunged 19% just after the opening of the opening session last Wednesday. The background was the slower growth of users and a comment from Facebook's chief financial officer, David Wehner, that sales growth would decline over the next two quarters. (Terms)
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