Årelang supports: – Kvikk Lunch broke the chocolate giant


So it is clear. Kvikk Lunch will also be Kvikk's next lunch

Following a flaw in the court system since 2002, the EU court today decided that Kit Kat Chocolate could not have exclusive rights on chocolate. Kit Kat can not be the only chocolate in Europe with its fragile chocolate fingers.

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Kit Kat, owned by Nestlé, suffered a fierce defeat.

Nestlé has beaten so that the four bands are a hallmark of Kit Kat. The chocolate dates back to 1935, while Kvikk Lunch was launched in 1937.

The court finds that Nestle does not have evidence that chocolate fingers are known as Kit-Kat throughout the world. 39; EU. People must know the brand throughout the EU for the sole purpose of obtaining exclusive rights.

The court announcement states that Kit Kat is not a known product in countries such as Belgium, Ireland, Greece and Portugal

In previous court proceedings , EUIPO, the Office of Intellectual Property of the European Union, opened exclusive rights

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