Many had too high promises when the police held a check on the boatmen at Kragerø.
In the period 1600-0300, the police held a check of the boatmen at Kragerø.
About 50 boaters, a simplified speed proposal was distributed and three boaters were arrested with too high a promille
Police report on Twitter that these three people will be notified.
Seven boaters also had a keyword when they were controlled by the police, but it was below an illegal value.
function debug () { if (window.agreementAgentConfiguration && (window.agreementAgentConfiguration.debug === true)) { console.log.apply (null, ['- [agm-agreement] & # 39;, & # 39; (debug) >>. concat ( Array.prototype.slice.call (argument) )); } }
was agreementAgent = window.agreementAgent; was configuration = window.agreementAgentConfiguration;
if (configuration.isDisabled === true) { agreementAgent.disable (); }
// Contextual consent menu agreementAgent.onReady (function (chords) { if (agreements.status () === chords.STATUS_ORIGINATED) { user var = agreementAgent.getUser (); var options = {};
if (user.isLoggedIn && user.customerNumber) { options.allChecked = true; }
agreementAgent.prompt (function () { window.location.reload (); }, options); }
debug ('Client / status:', agreements.status ()); });
// ComScore agreementAgent.onReady (function (chords) { was clientId = configuration.scripts.COMSCORE && configuration.scripts.COMSCORE.CLIENT_ID;
if (! clientId) { return; }
was scriptUrl = & # 39; https: //sb.scorecardresearch.com/beacon.js' ;; was agreement = agreements.AGREEMENT_PERSONALIZED_CONTENT;
agreementAgent.loadScript (scriptUrl, function () { agreementAgent.prophecise (function () { return window.COMSCORE; }, function () { debug ("comScore / consent:", Boolean (agreements.consented (agree)));
window.COMSCORE.beacon ({ c1: & # 39; 2 & # 39; c2: clientId, c4: window.location.href, cs_ucfr: (agreements.consentis (agreement))? 1: 0 }); }); }); });
// Enreach agreementAgent.onReady (function (chords) { was initScriptUrl = & # 39; https: //code3.adtlgc.com/js/agderposten_init.js' ;; was scriptUrl = & # 39; https: //code3.adtlgc.com/js/agderposten_ar.js' ;;
agreementAgent.loadScript (initScriptUrl, function () { agreementAgent.loadScript (ScriptUrl); });
agreementAgent.prophecise (function () { return window.adtlgcen && window.adtlgcen.util; }, function () { if (agreements.consented (agreements.AGREEMENT_PERSONALIZED_ADS)) { adtlgcen.util.optIn (); debug ('Enreach / consent:', true); } else if (agreements.status ()! == agreements.STATUS_ORIGINATED) { adtlgcen.util.optOut (); debug ('Enreach / consent:', false); } }); });
// Facebook agreementAgent.onReady (function (chords) { if (! agreements.consented (agreements.AGREEMENT_PERSONALIZED_ADS)) { debug (& # 39; Facebook / consent: & # 39 ;, false); return; }
debug (& # 39; Facebook / consent: & # 39 ;, true);
was pageId = configuration.scripts.FACEBOOK && configuration.scripts.FACEBOOK.PAGE_ID;
if (! pageId) { return; }
where fbq = () => { if (fbq.callMethod) { fbq.callMethod.apply (fbq, arguments); } else { fbq.queue.push (argument); } };
fbq.push = fbq; fbq.queue = []; fbq.version = 2.0 & # 39 ;; fbq.loaded = true;
window.fbq = fbq; window._fbq = fbq;
fbq (& # 39; init & # 39; pageId); fbq (& # 39; track; & # 39; pageview & # 39;);
was scriptUrl = & # 39; https: //connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js' ;;
agreementAgent.loadScript (ScriptUrl);
}) ();
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