Åsa Vesterlund of "Swedish Hollywood Frogs": – The Hollywood lady lost the patch after driving


Many have put their love on "Swedish frogs of Hollywood" over the years.

Among them, Maria Montazami (52), Gunilla Persson (59) and Åsa Vesterlund (43), broadcast on TV3 in Norway, presented the Scandinavians with a rich personal gallery of rich, powerful and stubborn women. , that everyone has managed to make headlines during their television careers. The latter is now back in the spotlight, but it is not for good reason.

Aftonbladet writes that the journey from Åsa to Gothenburg in Stockholm did not follow the plan. Now she's left without a driving license

Miss Hollywood

– I've been so incredibly twisted, she told the Swedish newspaper.

The commute between the two Swedish cities was not as calm as it was alone. She was stopped by the police after having gasped to be able to pee as soon as possible.

On the other hand, the police discovered the Hollywood caressed woman and drove her car to the side

. : Elena Belle, Åsa Vesterlund, Maria Montazami, Gunilla Persson and Sofie Prydz are all known for the success of TV3
FRUITS REFERES: Elena Belle, Åsa Vesterlund, Maria Montazami, Gunilla Persson and Sofie Prydz are all known thanks to the success of TV3 "Swedish Hollywood Frogs". Photo: TV3
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– The police appeared and said, "Oh, it's going fast, Miss Hollywood," she says to the newspaper, and continues:

– Finally, they said "fines can not pose a danger to you so we will take your driver's license. " I obviously drove 30 kilometers to the hour to fast. Then they asked me if I had recorded some new episodes of "Swedish Hollywood Frogs". I was incredibly nice to them, so they were a little surprised that I do not mind, says the TV profile.

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The trouble is fortunately not to endure for the 43-year-old. She recovers the driving license in two months and gets it by paying fines of 4000 Swedish kroner. In fact, she looks surprisingly positive about the situation

She claims that it seems like she has a "water hole" in the photo of the driving license, and so she is eager to take a new one. She also does not think it's particularly difficult to move because she says it herself: "It does not hurt anyone" – which can be translated by enough money to get move.

"where Åsa Vesterlund and Gunilla Persson argue over black magic.
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Eternal Conflict

Vesterlund could also point out to the Swedish media last year that she will not be in several seasons of "Swedish Hollywood Frogs" with the first.

Although many took it lightly, we may remember its many scandals as one of the women 's most controversial of the series. For the fans, the eternal conflict between Gunilla Persson (56) and Åsa Vesterlund (39) is a well-known case.

In 2016, Åsa nonetheless decided to invite Gunilla to a dog-friendly party at home.

But it is not surprising that it only takes a short time before the two steal one into the other. The archers recover the thread of a feud earlier in the season and quickly send the shells and skeletons on the heads of other guests

Excerpt from TV3 program "Swedish Hollywood Frogs": Åsa Vesterlund gets rid from Gunilla Persson after crossing the line several times.
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After fiercely arguing with Gunilla, who was barely saying that she had never done anything wrong, Åsa ended up getting by and threw the TV colleague out of the group:

– It was bad was not OK. Take your things and get out of here! Now it's enough! On leaving, the hostess points to the exit.

BRAKES: After a fierce feud, Åsa Vestlerund gets so angry that she throws a glass of water on Gunilla Persson when the Hollywood women are gathered for lunch. Video: TV3
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In the fall of 2016, there was a tragedy between the two wives. During a lunch with very harsh mood, and all ended with Vesterlund throwing a glass of water on Persson.

– I could have been blind, deaf and dumb. I could die, it's an attempted murder, said Gunilla Persson after the incident

[…] In an episode of "Swedish Hollywood Frogs", the two women met for the first time after the lunch break, then for a press release. – I have planned to denounce her so that she is forbidden to visit so that she does not attack me anymore. Persson said in the program, according to Aftonbladet, that it was a trial of ten million dollars and a jail sentence of Åsa Vesterlund.

Susanne Nylén, press officer at MTG Sweden that neither Persson nor Vesterlund contacted TV3, and stated that they had not taken a stand on what would happen if Persson was going to Vesterlund.

Were they even a police officer

? In February 2015, it was reported that Gunilla Persson had been reported to the police by the Swedish Insurance Fund on suspicion of serious fraud.

According to Expressen, Persson received 332,000 Swedish kroner in family allowances, parental benefits and sickness benefits to which she was not entitled.

Gunilla Persson was very surprised when she received the notification last year. Coarse fraud can also, as we know, imprisonment in Sweden.

– I did not know that I had been involved in a damn fraud. If I had known, I would not have done that, Persson told Expressen.

And the problem does not stop there. Persson is currently charged with stealing a pair of Chanel Rance sunglasses in Miami, and the case will eventually be in court. Even though she claims it's just a misunderstanding.

ALSO READ: The actress gave her "yes"

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