Assassin's Creed Odyssey gets coolest improvements


Noting that Ubisoft games have been very difficult in recent years because the company improves them a lot after their launch. Assassin's Creed Odyssey obviously follows the same recipe.

Last week we had a new mission to have fun, and later this month there are still some nice things to look forward to. The message from the developers reveals that, for example, we can expect the fortune to go from 50 to 70 in November. You should not exhaust your "lost experience points" if you are already 50 years old, as these points will apparently be recorded after the update has been downloaded, increasing your level as soon as you restart the game.

In addition, it is no longer necessary to leave the device as cool as possible, because you have found something much more resistant. Soon, it will be possible to change the appearance of your most powerful equipment so that it looks most like your equipment.

As expected, we also receive a new mission from Lost Tales of Greece, as well as a new mythological creature to face when Steropes the Cyclops comes into play Nov. 13. If you manage to kill the massive creature, you will be rewarded with a legendary bow.

The next few weeks will also make equipment upgrades more affordable, see breakers, test our skills at new Epic events, purchase new equipment, and more. You will have a preview in the video below.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey

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