"Asura" – The big Chinese film for 800 million dollars is over in Turkey. Is taken from the cinema


In 2016, Hollywood Reporter wrote about what at the time was designed to be the beginning of a wonderful, fantastic series. The major Chinese production "Asura", a story based on Tibetan mythology, has long been promoted as the most expensive film production in China.

Behind the Chinese-language film is an international team of costume designers and Oscar-winning designers. Other Ngila Dickson, who designed costumes for the trilogy of "Lord of the Rings" by Peter Jackson.

Debut Director Peng Zhang has previously been a stunt coordinator of Hollywood bigfilms such as "Ant Man", "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World" and "Twilight" movies

The film had a budget of more than 100 million dollars – more than twice as much as the biggest Chinese titles. In comparison, the Chinese buster "Wolf Warrior 2" was produced for $ 50 million

Comparisons "Lord of the Lord" were solved and many saw that the film would be the beginning of a fantasy success similar for the Chinese public.

However, this was not the case


According to the Hollywood Reporter, the film was "fair" in 7.1

The statement offered no explanation, but the main producer Zhenjian Film Studio, according to the website Snip, said the following on the page of Chinese news Sina: [[19659012] The article continues according to the announcement.

– This decision is due not only to the bad income of the notes. We plan to make some changes to the movie and reissue it.

The production team behind this expensive film includes, among others, the group Alibaba Pictures, the Ningxia Film Group and the movie studio Zhenjian mentioned above. The last two stand behind the very popular film series "Painted Skin."

Teen Lei Wu plays the entire film, a young boy who must make a dangerous journey to save the goddesses when threatened by a kingdom from another world. Hong Kong veterans, Tony Ka Fai Leung and Carina Lau, are also mythical idols

The title portrays Asura, a group of idols from Hindu and Buddhist mythology . 19659018] Sabotage

90% of all Chinese cinema tickets are purchased online. The two shocked ticket sales are Tiao Piaopia, owned by Alibaba, and Maoyan. Both allow users to write reviews for the movies they see and give them a rating on a scale of 1 to 10.

The pages also show an average of user reviews, similar to American sites like Rotten Tomatoes. In addition, there are pages that work regardless of ticket sales, known to attract a pirated scratch review.

Chinese film studios have repeatedly stated that ticket receipts have been damaged by fake slaughter reviews. . The authors of these false reviews are known in Chinese as "shuijun", which means directly "hair of water". The name is because the companies would have paid them to "flood" the net with false reviews.

The producers behind Asura claim to have been exposed to a particularly malicious "army of water".

In a message on social networks, they say they have discovered a large number of Asura critics who gave the film 1 out of 10 stars on the Maoyan page. The critics were posted by "suspicious accounts" and immediately after the release of the film.

They claim that there was soon a noticeable bias between critics of the film on the Maoyon site, where he got an average of 4.9 out of 10, Tiao Piaopiao of Alibaba, where he has got 8.4 out of 10.

Manufacturers call the events "a shame for the industry".


The statement continues with questions to Maoyan regarding the integrity of the page and whether they initiate measures to resolve the issues. The ending ends with a few grumbling words against "the water army" itself:

– The one behind is dirty, stupid and ridiculous, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

Another theory is that the bad openings of the film are exceptionally strong. competition. At the opening of Asuras, the blockbuster "Dying to Survive" won $ 69 million out of a total of $ 366 million, while the long-awaited action movie of Jiang Wish " Hidden Man "earned 46.2 million. Both are critical favorites and have done very well on the Chinese review pages.

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