– Attempt to bribe the Pakistani police for escape – NRK Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country


The woman should have been shot dead by a security guard in a suburb outside the city of Lahore, Pakistan, on May 31, 19659002.

He is also accused of ordering the killing of two others killed his wife, but these orders have never been executed.

Overman of Witnesses

The security guard was overwhelmed by witnesses. He told the local police in Pakistan that it was a murder of a Norwegian order

– He said that he had been instructed by the deceased Norwegian husband, says Anne Alræk Solem, chief from the section for serious violence.

The security guard claims that he received 11,000 rupees to carry out the murder, the equivalent of 700 crowns. He was promised 100 000 rupees, about 6600 Norwegian kroner.

However, he never received the full amount of the Norwegian man, says the security guard, according to TV2.

The sect is in the 60s and has been living in Norway for more than 40 years.

Two Spouses

The Norwegian citizen has been married for many decades in Oslo and also has children in this marriage. In 2006, however, he went to Pakistan to marry another woman.

It is this woman who was shot. She is 40 years old and has never lived in Norway.

The couple had two children together in this marriage.

Attempted government corruption in Pakistan

The investigation into the case was first initiated by the Pakistani police. He tried, but without success, to escape by the corrupt authorities.

– He tried to bring the case to Pakistan, "said Solem.

He also tried to make others"

– This is a serious case that shows that people in certain circles believed that Pakistan could act without being responsible in Norway, "said police lawyer Sturla. the prosecutor in the case

– that is why it is important to investigate these cases in Norway, to make clear that this is not possible, says Henriksbø

The Norwegian government yesterday

The victim recently stayed in Norway

He was arrested by Norwegian police yesterday.

Police have long been investigating the case without that the accused was aware of it.

The accused, Marius Didrikson, will not comment on the case until after the Thursday's imprisonment.

Collaborates with the Pakistani police

In anticipation of the arrest, the police worked in parallel with Pakistan in Pakistan, according to Henriksbø. Norwegian police received information from the investigation in Pakistan

There was a question of alleged families and networks and technical investigations by the Norwegian police after the arrest, says Henriksbø.

– The motive for murder is a key question of investigation

– We have some thoughts on why the woman was killed, but we do not want to get in the cold, he says.

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Out of scope of the order should have been made.

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