Avisa Nordland – The Sea King helicopter collaborates with the rescue team to bring down women from the mountains: – This is the only solution


Lofotposten: A Norwegian hiker was captured on the Breitinden mountain north of Vågakallen in the Henningsvær mountain ranges. The Sea King rescue helicopter is at the time of writing, at 3:15 pm on Saturday, on its way to pick up the hiker from the mountain. The helicopter is helped by the alpine rescue group to pick up the woman

– This is a regular hiker, not a climber. The hiker is stuck and must be lifted from the mountain by helicopter. As it is not possible to get the woman out of her current position, we need help from the alpine rescue group to guide her to a safer area where the helicopter can take her, said the deputy head of rescue at the National Rescue Center North. -Norge, Alf Hågensen

The woman is not injured and the main rescue center does not consider the drama situation.

– There is no unusual situation at Lofoten this season. She's stuck and there's no drama, but that's the only way to get her safe, Hågensen strikes.

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