Bakkafrost sex double the bottom line


Bakkafrost reported an after-tax profit of DKK 355.86 million in the third quarter of 2018, compared to DKK 56.22 million in the same period last year.

Earnings per share amounted to 7.32 Danish Kronor, compared to 1.16 Danish Kroner at the same crossroads last year.

Profit before tax amounted to 433.56 million Danish kroner, compared with 67.96 million Danish kroner last year.

Operating profit amounted to DKK 163.29 million, compared with NOK 252 million the previous year. According to TDN Direkt Vented, an operating profit of 190 million Danish kroner was expected.

Operating income amounted to DKK 621.60 million, compared to DKK 804 million in the third quarter of 2017. Operating revenue is expected to rise to DKK 560 million.

Here is the report and the presentation.

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