Basic research is behind the most important drugs


Much research is underway to develop new technologies, tools, and drugs

This is what we call "applied research," and that's what pharmaceutical companies do.

Journal of Science Translational Medicine, that the most important drugs are actually developed based on the discoveries of basic research.

What is basic research?

Basic research is the science of knowledge. It is a research without any other program than to learn about the world.
Basic research opens new perspectives on the mechanisms that can be exploited by companies. Applied research aims to provide knowledge that can be used by industry and industry.
If you study the human genome to explain the link between diseases, it's a basic research. Doing the same thing to find out where a new medicine can affect humans is applied research.

Source: – What is basic research?

– This shows how important it is that we also invest in basic research. Kim Andersen, research director at the pharmaceutical company Lundbeck

He did not contribute to the new study

– that is why we are collaborating with researchers involved in basic research. It can reveal new biological mechanisms that we can use to develop drugs. We can not do such research ourselves because it will take too much time before this leads to the discovery of a new drug on the market, "says Andersen. a list of 28 substances that other researchers have described as "more scaly" in the United States between 1985 and 2009.

They examined the development of drugs from an observation of the drug. biological origin of the disease

. research was undertaken to make new drugs and how long it took before the discovery led to the development of a drug.

They received independent researchers and experts to evaluate what discoveries were really late.

It turned out that eight of the ten drugs on the list came from basic research

All research is linked

Poul Nissen, director of the center's center for membrane pumps in cells and Dise Ase (PUMPkin) at the University of Aarhus, previously stated the following to ~
– All good basic research ends with completely new perspectives that can also be used for practical purposes. All basic research projects find that there are derivative projects. That's why basic research has such an important impact on people's daily lives, says Nissen.
– Basic research is a kind of applied research, but with a much longer time perspective. We can not add both types of research in the stalls delineated

This includes antihypertensive drugs, ACE inhibitors and anti-inflammatories, called TNF inhibitors which, among others, act against psoriasis , gout and intestinal diseases. Colitis

On average, it took 30 years from the discovery of the approval of a new drug. Researchers: "We can not predict important discoveries"

But it is difficult to say in advance what basic research will have this effect, the researchers conclude.

– We Can Mark Fishman in a Press Release

He's a Professor of Stem Cell Biology and Regeneration at Harvard University

– But the Next Wave of Important Medicines Will Have His [19659002] He believes the CRISPR-cas9 reorientation tool is an example of basic research that will pave the way for new therapies

Fundamental research is behind everything we know

Drugs Are Only About # 39, an example of "According to Professor Liselotte Højgaard, Director of the Danish Research Foundation, basic research is important

– Any search bores together if we look at it historically. The discovery of electromagnetism and the development of the atomic model have been a fundamental research. According to Højgaard, who is also professor of clinical medicine at the University of Copenhagen, we would still live without electricity, without computers, without cell phones, and so on.

– The discovery of DNA is also a basic research, and we will soon be able to do it. give patients personal treatment based on individual genes.

At the same time, it is important for society not to invest only in basic research, she says.

– It is extremely important to recognize the fragile ecosystem that constitutes the world of research. Explains Højgaard

– All this enriches us and allows us to invest in a more basic research, she explains. "We must remember the basis of our inventions, otherwise we deprive future generations of new innovations," she explains


JM Spector et al .: "Science Fundamental Behind the Important Medications of Today, "Science Translational Medicine (2018), doi: 10.1126 / scitranslmed.aaq1787 Abstract

©, translated by Lars Nygaard for

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