Brand new game will be released only eight days after the disastrous launch


After the cruel launch on July 10, Xaviant Games, the creators of The Culling 2, said that the game would be closed and that it would no longer be possible to buy it.

At the same time, everyone who bought the game will receive the money. 19659003] Battle Royale Games

The Culling 2 should be a direct sequel to The Culling, a game inspired by The Hunger Games. However, the game certainly has not been and, among other things, has been heavily criticized for taking ideas of other popular Battle Royale games such as PUBG and H1Z1, in addition to the game. to be far from what made Culling unique

2 so was lowered only eight days after the catastrophic launch. Just a few days after the launch, the game was practically empty. With scary bad reviews on Steam (86% is negative), it was hard to imagine that more would buy the game.

Xaviant Games contacted Valve, Sony and Microsoft and allowed them to remove the digital game


In an excuse video, you can see a distinguished John Van Veld, COO in Xaviant Games, talk about the bad launch and plans for the upcoming games series.

He says, among other things, that they choose to take care of The Culling and return to the state of play at the launch in 2016.

In addition, Van Veld says that The Culling will now free for everyone and can be downloaded via Steam.

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