Brazilian Malcom (21) – Get ready for Rome. Now, Barcelona is trying to reverse the transition


Roma and Barcelona ended in a draw one of the most sought after players in the football world. In the middle is the Brazilian star, Malcom.

On Monday night, Rome came out on Twitter and confirmed having agreed with the player's club, Bordeaux, for a transition. Also the French Club announced the transition on its social media. Only the medical check and the personal agreement of the player resumed

Now, Barcelona threw in the game of the last player.

400 millitorrs

Rome was ready at the airport, ready to accept its new signature but Malcom never appeared.

In the last second, Barcelona threw $ 400 million into the table – an offer to overtake what the Roma agreed to pay for the player.

Barcelona has long been looking for Willian, but after a third offer was rejected by Chelsea, the Spanish club decided to try elsewhere.

According to Sky Sports reporter Fabrizio Romano, Rome became furious after the Barcelona membership.

– Going to Rome

Since Rome and Bordeaux have reached an agreement on much of the transition, it is uncertain what legal rights the French must change and cancel the case.

According to Malcom agent Fernando Garcia, however, the player has not yet changed his mind and wants to move to Rome.

– We have an agreement with Rome and we get there Bordeaux has temporarily prevented us from leaving, but we know what we want. We are working to resolve the situation and I think that Bordeaux will give us permission to go to the capital tomorrow, he told Corriere Giallorosso Monday evening

Malcom (21) played 35 games for Bordeaux the last season. 12 goals and seven passive passes

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