The traffic center at 3:40 indicates that there was a race on the county road 103 in Stavenes between Eidfjord and Kjeåsen
The race hit a car and a caravan owned by Swedish tourists .
– Køyretøya was stuck People in the city should not have suffered significant damage, said Marius Råve, Norwegian highway operator, Marius Råve
The raid took place nearby from a river on a mountainside. soft clay and sand.
Fleire Race at Hordaland
The breed goes to rekka as one of the last in Hordaland lately.
Last Tuesday, this week when Bjørn Roland's car was coming from Notodden has a hard stone block on the E16 at Dale in Vaksdal.
– I did not react. Suddenly, a big stone fell. It is unfortunate that the car is commendable, he told NRK after falling asleep
Watch the video of Bjørn's camera here:
The chief of operations inaugurated by Simadalen
in the West Police District, Arve Samsonsen, confirms that they received a message on the hendas just after 3:30 am
– As there was no harm to bullies or personnel,
According to Bergens Tidende, three people must sleep in the caravan when they are struck by the raid.
– The road is completely blocked, and it's not possible to move, says Råve at the Traffic Center. [19659002
I do not know when the road will open
The Road Traffic Board does not want to see the roadblocks see if it's the heavy rain of the night that triggered the anger before geologist did not
A Mesta contractor is ordered to evaluate the race city during dinner
– It is difficult to see enough what time the road goes to. open before Mesta has been in the city, the traffic operator Råve sees.
The car and caravan every four days of car rays in Morgontimane.
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