Celina Midelfart kosher inn – hegnar.no


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Celina Midelfart (45), earned 170 million crowns through her wholly-owned investment company Midelfart Capital last year, which represents the highest result ever checked in. In 19 years, she won a total of 540 million NOK, writes DN

– I am delighted, writes Midelfart in an email to DN

The consolidated accounts show that Midelfart had shares at the end of the year. last year worth NOK 550 million, a doubling compared to the previous year. By the end of the year, Midelfart had invested 82 million NOK in the bank.

According to the newspaper, Midelfart had realized unrealized gains of NOK 103 million. The gain on the sale of shares amounted to 32 million NOK. In addition, there were stock dividends of $ 13 million, foreign exchange gains of $ 7 million and bond interest income of $ 700,000.

According to Midelfart, Borr Drilling and Storebrand have contributed the most to the recording of the results, the newspaper writes.

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