Combines music and education – the magazine


Vegard Hauknes Hasfjord, from Hommelvik, describes himself as a rather nice guy who looks and often takes a hamburger on the couch. He may not be very comfortable when he was promoted to conductor, saxophonist, freelancer and kindergarten assistant. In addition to all this, he is organizing the Ska-Frika Sommerfest group concert the following Saturday.

– What are you doing recently?

– At the moment, I am very worried about the summer party Me and my group are organizing. There's a lot of talented work going on before the show starts, Hasfjord says.

Ska-frika played self-taught ska music and organized for several years the summer party in the municipality of Malvik.

– We have artists from Stavanger and Oslo, but these are the only ones who do not have local affiliation.

– What do you think is too little?

– As a Children's Garden Assistant, I must say that there is little talk of endowment in children's gardens. It is not long ago that kindergartens have become a part of the education course and therefore it is important with enough employees. This to work well, as part of education.

– It is also important to find people with the right skills. With that, I want to say that diversity is important because children's gardens need people with formal skills and people without formal skills. I do not have formal skills, but creating human relationships is not something that can be read, he adds.

– Where is this year's vacation trip?

– I went to Ålesund with two parents from Sunnmøre. I'm used to walking around like a slacker during my vacation, to see how to look at the genre. In other words, Sunday coffee for grandma is not an ordinary ritual.

– What is your hidden talent?

– I do not think so. I've never read a book, but you can not call it talent, says Hasfjord

– You're good at serving dry jokes, says his girlfriend Malene.

Before his many musical and educational jobs, Hasfjord was on school bench. There was no lack of reading, which made Hasfjord jumped from music education, but lobbied to be constantly in performance mode.

– I took a break from education at the Conservatory of Music and I started in kindergarten. When I came back, in second year of education, I still had no right to be there, he says.

– This is a regular musician bug of ######################################################################## 39 have a little chipped in the performance bubble at school. I'm happy with what I'm doing now, because I'm still making music while I think it's rewarding to work at kindergarten.

– Why do you live where you live?

– I've never had The world set for me that my girlfriend and I would finish at Remyra, but here we are sitting. I grew up in Smiskaret in Malvik and I got called for the hommelviking. Therefore, I would like to live there, but it may be over. That said, I am very happy with our first class home, and it's nice to stay in Stjørdal.

– If you had a time machine. Where and at what time would you have traveled?

– I would have returned to year 0, to meet Jesus. This to take pictures and document what he existed if he did it

– Are you religious?

– No, I am not. My favorite channel is Vision Norway, and I'm very ironic. These are really fascinating things.

– What is your greatest sporting achievement?

– I had a great football career from 6 to 16 years old. My best performance on the field was when I managed to cope with a guy so he layed it. There was no free kick because it was the ball I was looking for

– With whom would you have failed on a desert island?

– My colleague, Malene. I was completely helpless because she really controlled things

– What is causing you?

– I'm not so easily provoked, really. Part of the worst thing I know is when I get home from the job scrubber, nor is the food ready. In addition to the bad Internet, Hasfjord has jokes

– What is the perfect day for you?

– It's at work and come home to two big Big Mac menus from McDonalds. Nothing is like enjoying the meal on the couch

– Not infinite with Burger King?

– Yes, in the nostrils eat flies. I'm very fond of McDonalds, and I can drive from Stjørdal to Sluppen to Trondheim in the evening, if I really want a hamburger.

– What is your favorite outdoor spot in Stjørdal / Meråker / Malvik?

– This must be the road from the McDonalds restaurant to Sluppen. Then I open the window of the car and I take the air

– In other words, I'm not a cart in the open air, smiles Hasfjord.

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