Confirms the commitment: – You are the love of my life


From Tuesday to Tuesday Norwegian time Justin Bieber (24 years old) took the magazine out of his mouth and published a long declaration of love on Instagram

" I should wait a moment to say something But things are spreading fast Audition – simple and simple: Hailey, I'm so in love with everything! "

Thank God and the Holy Spirit

In addition, the superstar writes that 39 He will lead the family with honor and integrity, leaving Jesus and the Holy Spirit to guide them through every decision made

" My heart is yours and I will always put you first! is the love of my life Hailey Baldwin and I do not want to share my life with anyone else. "

Bieber writes that he is happy that his little sisters are witnesses to a healthy and stable marriage.

" God's timing is truly perfect, we got engaged on the seventh day of the seventh month Seven are the numbers of spiritual perfection

Baldwin also took social media to thank God: [19659002] "I do not know what I have done in life to deserve such happiness, but I am so grateful that God has given me an amazing person with whom to share my life. No word can ever express my gratitude. "

Fragged in the Bahamas

It was Saturday, July 7, Bieber's kneeling in a restaurant in the Bahamas. In all respects, he asked Hailey's hand, and after all, the answer was from the girl's celebrity

The couple has been off for several years, and will end in 2016. But last month, they were still observed kissing in New York.

Bieber's security guards should have asked everyone in the room to turn off their mobile phones so "something very important was about to happen".

TMZ released Monday photos of what it should be
Haileys Engagement Ring – A Giant Oval Diamond

"Pride is an understatement"

Bieber's parents lightened the veil of the son's engagement

by the son from Instagram with the text:

"Proud is a euphemism! In the expectation of the next chapter!"

Also, Bieber's mother, Pattie Mallette, has entered "Love Love Love Love Love Love Love "in a message on Twitter

Baldwin's father, Stephen Baldwin – actor The brother of Alec Baldwin – shared a Bible verse on Twitter and with the word "blessed".

The date Selena Gomez in November

a "yes" from Baldwin, ex-Selena Gomez was on a boat near New York.

Because Bieber and love go fast. Gomezfant, aged 24, returned to each other in November 2017 and became among others
photographed together on a bike ride.

– Selena and Justin are together again. Selena has always had feelings for Justin, said a source on the American celebrity website
Weekly use in early November of last year.



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