Confirms the World Cup in 2022: – Absolutely hollow in the hat


FIFA President Gianni Infantino announced on Friday that the 2022 World Cup will be played between 21 November and 18 December.

The reason is the temperature in Qatar. In June and July, it can reach 50 degrees. In November and December, the average temperature is 24.6 and 19.6 degrees.

This means, of course, that it will be an unusual break for leagues like the Premier League. will be played in November and December

– But when FIFA fell for the first time and gave it to a country where it's too hot to play in the summer, we can understand that, "says Mathisen on TV 2 Sport

The TV expert 2 Johan Kaggestad also replies

  REAGER: Football expert Jesper Mathisen in TV 2.
REAGER: Football expert Jesper Mathisen in TV 2 Photo: Daniel Sannum Lauten, Tv 2

– It will be the Qatar World Cup, a bit hollow in the hat, not least to put a football world cup in Qatar. the world championships at the time of the winter they will probably save the teams because at least it is possible to live in the heat of Qatar, he said under
Friday's mission of Tour de France

– should never have been the championship
However, he believes that Qatar should never have received the World Cup.

– Another discussion is whether Qatar should have had the World Cup. For me, it's a ray of sunshine. Now he has become and for climatic reasons, they must play when it is not too hot, according to the expert.

– What does the term league in the major leagues mean that a world championship will take place before Christmas? generally a fast-paced game program?

– This means that they have to change the terminals because they lose more weeks. It will be a major change. But it 's only one season, so I think they'll be able to solve it somehow, meets the expert from TV 2.

– The best championship up to now
Infantino also said that the Russian World Cup had been the best championship up here and that the use of VAR has been a success.

– Thanks to VAR, the proportion of correct judgments in a match has increased from 95 percent to 99.3 percent. We can say that with VAR, that is the end of the goals of the official positions, said Infantino

He also opens the door to extend the championship of 32 teams to 48 already in 2022.

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