Crisis psychologist responds to the invitation of FIFA to boys in the cave: – A little thoughtful to the needs of children


A whole world has followed the drama in Thailand in recent days. The football team has been captured in the cave since June 23rd. They were found on July 2nd. Now, the effort is to save them at full speed.

In order to motivate the confined football team, FIFA President, Gianni Infantino, came to the field.

– If they find their family in the coming days and their health permits them to travel, FIFA will be delighted to invite them to the World Cup final in Moscow as a guest, writes Infantino in A letter to the Thai Football Association

Psychologist Crisis: – This is not a good idea

However, it is very doubtful that the team of Football goes out of the cave before the last day of July 15th. The rescue action may take several months

In social media, the invitation of FIFA has aroused mixed reactions.

Professor Atle Dyregrov is an expert in crisis psychology. He is not excited about the FIFA proposal.

– This is probably a more commercial consideration behind this game. There is probably little thought across the needs of children. This is not a good idea, says Dyregrov to Aftenposten

Get messages of support from the stars

The players of the team are between 11 and 16 years old. They have already been caught in the cave for two weeks.

During this time, they both experienced poor stimulation of the senses and malnutrition, Dyregrov emphasizes.

– A World Cup Final is not something that they should be exposed to. It is best to gradually stimulate the senses and that they gradually accumulate. There are probably well-intentioned people behind, but it's not a good move considering their overall mental health, "said Dyregrov.

The FIFA proposal should have been to motivate boys in this difficult situation.A number of football profiles have sent hot messages to the football team that is in danger.

– This is a terrible news and the football world is hoping that these players can get out of there, "said Ronaldo, legend of Brazilian football. 2002 – at CNN

John Stones, who is preparing for the quarterfinals of England against Sweden, wants Thai boys to be lucky.

– They will not report it to their friends and family: Hele The spirit of the England troop is going towards them and we want them to come out well, says Stones.

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