Dangerous location on Flydalsjuvet – smp.no/nyheter – News from Ålesund, Sunnmøre and North West Norway.


On Thursday evening Alf Alfred from Bergen was on tour in Geiranger. He photographed the fjord from one of the checkpoints, and was shocked when he zoomed in on the images. That's what he told the Bergens Journal.

– There was a woman at the edge of a dump. I wondered what she was thinking, he told the paper.

A woman had to climb the locks of Geiranger. Photo: Alf Alden

The woman had to climb the barriers. Alden tells Bergens Tidende that it seemed like the woman was posing to someone who was taking her picture

Acrobatics on the wire – still

Amateur photographer Joar Ødegård would make a nice trip to Geiranger with his cooperative. He has even witnessed more tourists of Asian origin playing with life.

– What is fatal. It was stiff where she was sitting, so it would not be a good thing for her to get out of the dungeon, "he told Bergens Tidende.

The newspaper also met with Sunnmøre sheriff, Evelin Liseth. She says it's bad that the barriers are not being respected.

– There is a reason we have barriers. In the worst case, life can fall if you fall, "says Lieth to Bergens Tidende. [ad_2]
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