Days Gone is exposed »IT Newspaper


PS4 owners are patched with patience.

We had been waiting patiently for Sony's exclusive title since seeing it on E3 two years ago, and we could announce that the launch date for the game is February 22 of next year. Now, Sony and Bend Studio have other release projects.

Need to polish

In a blog post, Sony writes, on behalf of Bend Studio, that they have decided to spend two additional months to complete the game, so the new version dates from April 26, 2019. They will use this extra time to improve the game

Survive in the open world

In addition, the game takes place in an open world focused on survival, with an exciting concept in which the main character has a motorcycle to move in different areas of the landscape. Here you can watch a game video of 5 minutes.

Are you going to play Days Gone?


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