Division 2 sets a new beta record for Ubisoft


Division 2 is still a bit far from the launch, but we already have a good indication of the enormous interest of the upcoming title. The game set new beta records, among others, the site VG247

In his recent investor talk, Ubisoft top manager Yves Guillemot revealed that The Division 2 has received a larger number of beta than any other game in the history of Ubisoft.

The number should be four times higher than the previous record holder – the first game The Division – made with its beta. The exact figure is uncertain, but the predecessor reached 6.4 million betadeltakere

In a corresponding press release, Guillemot also noted the good welcome of Division 2 at this year's E3 show.

Image: Ubisoft

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The main reason for the game has generated great interest among players: Division 2 seems to have regained confidence in correcting many problems that people have complained about in the first the game.

Among the points of appeal in the first game was the lack of content, something Ubisoft has confirmed will not be the case with The Division 2, which is promised to get a lot of wear already at launch.

played earlier this month we could confirm that the game has more content and more to do than before, but our shippers have again expressed concern about whether the variation is large enough.

– At first glance, Washington DC functions as an excellent starting point for the rest of the series, with its open and sunny environment. The world has a lot to do for beginners and experienced agents of the Division, and I am particularly excited to try the raids. At the same time, I'm afraid that the developer could launch more content just to say that there is more content this time, our man wrote about the game.

Division 2 is available on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on 15. March. Beta has no date yet.

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