Does Prince Harry Meghan take the buttocks?


Price Harry (34 years old) and his beautiful wife, Duchess Meghan (37), his trip to Oceania is over. Fans go to banana when they see both together, and they are warmly welcomed by children and adults.

The "everything" now asks, what is really happening in this picture? Is there an optical illusion? Or does it look like?

Upon returning to the plane that would take them from New Zealand to Australia on October 28, Harry seems to be driving his wife on the plane with her hand slightly planted in the back?

This gave birth to the Instagram account "harry_meghan_updates" which, with its 210,000 subscribers, brings the essential of what is happening in the life of the famous couple Duke.

People disagree with what's going on here, and the commentary contains all kinds of theories. What do you think

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