Early children have more symptoms of ADHD before the start of school


In the eighties, these children are more insignificant than most children, shows a new study on brothers and sisters.

The researchers found no such excess in premature babies born in the shorter term. The week was published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics

In addition, previous research has linked preterm birth to ADHD. . However, it is not known whether being born prematurely increases the risk of ADHD

The researchers were not able to ignore the possibility that there are genetic or genetic risk factors environmental factors that affect the timing of birth and the symptoms of ADHD.

<img itemprop = "image" title = "- Siden vi har sammenlignet for tidlig fødte med søsken, er vi sikrere på at sammenhengen mellom mer ADHD-symptom ikke har med gener eller miljø å gjøre, sier Helga Ask, som er forsker ved Folkehelseinstituttet. " alt = "- Since we have compared premature birth with siblings, we are more confident that the relationship between more ADHD symptoms has no genes or environment," said Helga Ask, a researcher at the university. Institute of Public Health. We compared premature births with siblings, we are more confident that the relationship between more symptoms of ADHD has no genes or environment, "said Helga Ask, a researcher at the Norwegian Institute of public health.

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– Since we have compared premature birth with siblings, we are more confident that the relationship between more ADHD symptoms has no genes or environment, "says Helga Ask, a researcher at the university. Norwegian Institute of Public Health. ] ->

In this study, researchers compared symptoms of ADHD in siblings, which are similar to genetic and environmental conditions

– Comparing symptoms of ADHD of siblings who have passed an odd number weeks in the same stomach. we can make sure that it is not the environment and the genes that explain the context.

He is said researcher and principal author of the study, Helga Ask. Ask is a researcher at the Department of Mental Illness at the Institute of Public Health

This is ADHD

Attention Deficit Disease is an abbreviation of English: Deficit disorder of attention / hyperactivity

The times lasted until the child grew up. It can persist in adulthood.

Symptoms and signs:

Inattention Hyperactivity Concentration problems Poor impulse control Particular sensitivity to stimulation of vision, sound and touch by overvolimulation, they may lose control and be aggressive others can lose touch with what is happening around them

Most children with ADHD have no signs of the disease. There are differences between boys and girls. Boys are more hyperactive, while girls may have more problems with thinking and trouble.

One-third of children with ADHD have mental or developmental disorders.

Source: Norwegian Health Information. 19659023] The study is based on data from more than 113,000 Norwegian children, including 33,000 siblings

Measuring the different symptoms of ADHD, such as inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity, was based on mothers' responses to their children. in two rounds, when the children were five and eight years old.

Researchers found that five-year-olds born before the 34th week of pregnancy had more symptoms of ADHD than children born during the semester. In other words, they were more impulsive, hyperactive and inattentive than children born from a normal interruption.

Eighty Years of Neglect

The eighties were more inattentive than children born in normal age, but no longer exhibited other symptoms. As hyperactivity and impulsivity decreased between children every five to eight years, this could also indicate that children are more immature than other children,

. According to one researcher, a previous study showed that many children born late in the year are more often diagnosed with ADHD than other children after the start of studies. This is especially true for boys

Read More: Most ADHD Among Decades

Almost All Imputed

These Findings Do not Mean That All Premature Born Children Get Scores very high.

– When we look at the mean of the two groups, there is more in the premature group with symptoms than in the normal population.

– If we assume that five percent of children in the normal population will have symptoms that can lead to a diagnosis of ADHD, according to our findings, there will be about four children with ADHD in 100 preterm children, compared to Hundreds of children born in the semester, explains Ask.

Researchers found the same trend for five- and eight-year-olds. , comparing siblings within families.

– We have not found these relationships in children born between 34 and 40 weeks of pregnancy, Ask Ask to research.no

Used Mother and Children's Study

Researchers have used data from the Great Mother and Child study, which includes children and mothers from across the country.

The symptoms were reported by mom when the children were five and eight years old. Information on the date of birth of children is taken from the medical register of births.

The children were then divided into groups after being born prematurely between the 22nd and 33rd week of pregnancy and before the premature end, that is, in weeks 34 to 36.

They were then compared to a full-term reference group in week 40.

The researchers also looked at children who were born just before and after the term, without finding abnormalities


– The results are based solely on the statement of symptoms by the mother and not on the diagnosis. These are the weaknesses of the study that it is important to keep in mind when we draw our conclusions, says Helga Ask.

Another weakness is that only 41% of the mothers who were asked to participate responded

. shows that we should follow this group to see if they need investigation and to make possible special needs.

– Perhaps we can better prevent them from developing ADHD by offering classes to parents or facilitating classes. to prevent learning problems, she believes.


H. Ask mf: Association of gestational age at birth with symptoms of attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder in children. JAMA Pediatrics. June 25, 2018. doi: 10.1001 / jamapediatrics.2018.1315

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