On Wednesday, Musk took Twitter and sent a regret to Unsworth, who participated in the rescue operation after the Thai football boys and their coach.
– In any case, his actions against me do not justify my actions, and I regret Mr. Unsworth and the companies I manage. The mistake is mine and me alone, writes Musk.
Musk refers to a piece from Unsworth where he was referring to the mini-boat in Musk as a PR shot and asking him to "put the submarine where it hurts."
Musk, claiming that the mini-submarine was built for the purpose of doing something good and according to the diver's specifications. The founder of Tesla reacted on Twitter on Sunday to call Unsworth a "pedo".
Mini-boat has never been used.
While the Thai football team was still caught in the cave, Musk decided and a team around him mini-boat that could be used in the rescue operation. Despite the arrival of the submarine in the cave, it has never been used.
The rescue operations officer had already stated that, although the technology was good, the mini-boat was not suitable for the rescue mission. in Musk, the Tesla share fell 2.5%. Since then, the course has returned to previous levels.
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