Elvis Costello quotes from Tysnesfest


Managing Director Øysten Vaage informs Tysnesfest in a press release. Costello was on stage on Saturday, July 14th.

– Elvis Costello had to cancel the rest of the current European tour due to illness. He tried to perform the remaining gigs on the tour, but after several medical consultations, he finally had to listen to the doctor's advice to cancel, "said Vaage.

In recent days, a job Costello's replacement took place.Valage is very happy with the two who intervened.

– We received Hellbillies and Sondre Justad.They moved and had clean space in the calendar. We're incredibly happy to put them in place and they'll fill the void. "

Saturday night will look like this: Derin, Lucky Chops, Dagny, Hellbillies, Sondre Justad, Riddle and finally Alan Walker. [19659006] BA spoke to Elvis Costello in early June, where he revealed opportunities to hear new music at Tysnesfest.

– I've never been to Tysnes. I'm looking forward to it. I've heard that Tysnes is where you have to be if you want a summer concert, or …

Read the full interview here:
Elvis Costello: – Perhaps you will hear new music

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