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Press Release:

The backdrop of the summer does not just show the archives of the Meteorological Institute. Elkjøp must also adjust the history books.

– We have never seen the sale of classic summer seasonal products like fans and air conditioning. It took off! Norwegians have gone out of their homes to buy fresh electronics and our warehouses are empty now, says Arnstein Værdal, head of sales of small electrical appliances in Elkjøp, Norway (19659004). sales figures, he may find a relatively crazy fact:

– Since the warming season began at home, we have at the Nordic level actually sold a refrigerated product every minute that we had opened. In total, sales of this type of product are up nearly 400 percent compared to the same weeks in 2017, says Værdal.

– Show how crazy the weather was

Because the shelves in Elkjøp are starting to be relatively empty for fresh produce, the sales manager believes that the electronics chain has what 39 he calls "the best supply team of the industry".

– In most cases, we find the perfect plank to predict the summer needs of our summer, but when it is so hot for such a long time, on such a large area, yes, it will be difficult for us. It only shows how crazy the weather was this summer, "said Værdal

He further promises that Elkjøp buyers are working on an explosion every day to provide fans and air conditioning through every channel imaginable [19659006] Meanwhile, Elkjøp stores across the country have also found other ways to cool their customers.In Elkjøp Moss, Stian Clausen and his colleagues have distributed free ice cream in recent weeks. [19659003] – Regarding the heat we had it was the obvious thing to do – who does not like an ice cream when you sweat 30 degrees more? And for those who did not not find exactly the refrigeration product that they were looking for, we could say that it was a welcome wound on the wound, says Clausen.

It also explains that the heat and the warehouse of the fans and some air conditioning have made a classic The winter product has actually gained in importance this summer, namely heat pumps.

– We, here in the north, tend to forget that heat pumps can not only circulate hot air in our homes, but also cold. As the heat has persisted, we have seen a sharp increase in interest in these products compared to a regular summer. People realize that, even though it is obvious that it is an investment to set up a heat pump, one is prepared for both the difficult winter months and for the dark weeks. in the summer, "says Clausen. [ad_2]
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