End of time: Now you get Tesla almost "the day"


But the volume model is pending.

Recently, Tesla recently talked about delivery time, especially related to Model 3, which received a giant reception.

Up to now, more than 400,000 customers have booked the car. more. International shipments of the Model 3 start in early 2019. Since Norway is a priority market for Tesla, we are almost certain that we are among the first countries to receive the "People-Tesla", that is to say the 39 next year. But getting this confirmation officially is not so simple.

In the midst of all the interest in Model 3, it is almost easy to forget that Tesla is still doing very well with its existing models in Norway.

High Interest

] So far this year, Tesla is the seventh-best-selling car brand in the country, with more than 4,000 cars. In fact, it is the SUV X model that is currently selling.

– We always find that there is a high interest in our cars in Norway. "Many families want electric cars with a lot of space, scope and full integration possibilities," says Even Sandvold Roland, Tesla's director of communications in Norway

L & # 39; article continues under the picture. Model S.

So far this year, Tesla has sold and delivered just under 2,000 Model S.

Some of the reasons why Tesla still provides solid sales figures at home have probably decreased strongly. We will not be very far until it is a patience test to buy a new Tesla. [19659000] See also: Here you can read our first impression of Model 3

Two Weeks

Model 3 arrives in Norway next year.

Model 3 comes to Norway next year

If you order a new S or X model today, you can get it in a few weeks.

If you want more variations and "made to measure" equipment, the car will be ready within 3-4 months.

The volume increases

The pre-assembled cars varies from a fully equipped model P100D – at the entry level X75D

– it's something we've done for a long time but the volume has obviously increased in line with our growth in Norway. We have not put forward the preconfigured cars, because the selection will vary, points out Roland Sandvold

On Tesla sites, you will find a preview of some cars in the tab "Car d & #" 39 "opportunity" as in The best cases can be delivered in just two weeks.

This week, we also learned that Tesla in Norway delivered very good accounting figures in 2017. Car sales rose sharply last year. Tesla Motors Norway AS achieved a total business turnover of NOK 6,819 million, compared with NOK 2,858 million the previous year

See also: Slaughter brakes – now promises Tesla wireless solution

The article was first published on Broom.no

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