Engineers and architects fear for the safety of new buildings


Engineers and architects strongly protest against new construction regulations and fear for the safety and quality of new schools, hospitals and apartment buildings.

They believe that the requirements of the construction sector for market adjustment are security priorities, and that the Department of Local Government and Modernization is reviewing the regulatory amendments again.

"I am slightly shocked by the fact that the ministry has adopted these proposals and that the departments have published them," said Egil Skavang, Director General of Architectural Enterprises in Norway (AiN).

The changes mean that college graduates get an engineering license, in agreement with trained specialists with a masters degree in engineering and architecture, said Ari Soilammi, Development Manager at the Advisory Engineers' Association (RIF). ).

The professional organizations of architects, engineers and advisers, as well as NTNU and the schools of architects, approve the changes made as of 1 December.

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