Equinor extends contract to Kværner with 500 mill.


Kværner received additional work on Equinor's Njord A to facilitate the oil reception platform of the Fenja field, according to a Kværner message on Friday.

The extra work has an estimated value of about half a billion.

Kværner signed a contract with Equinor on 17 March 2017 for the modernization of the Njord A platform. This agreement was estimated at around NOK 5 billion and will rise to around 3,000 man-years

The agreement provides for the complete modernization of the hull and deck, a project that will allow Njord to produce oil and gas for decades to come. In addition, the platform will receive oil and gas from the Bauge and Hyme fields. Before Christmas, it was also decided that Fenja (formerly Pil and Bow) would be connected to Njord A.

The work on Fenja will be completed in the spring of 2020 at the same time as the rest of the work on the platform, [19659006] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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