Erik Grytnes and Maria Bjørndal of "The pursuit of love" awaits children


Children waiting: Maria Bjørndal and Erik Grytnes, in connection with the registration of
Children waiting: Maria Bjørndal and Erik Grytnes, in connection with the recording of "The Hunt for Love" from last year. Photo: Espen Solli


Erik Grytnes (39) and Maria Bjørndal (36) looked for love, immediately hit Flash and kept the good trend.


Now the couple confirms that he is expecting children.

"It was planned to get pregnant, so it's very nice, and then we were lucky that it went well," Erik Grytnes told VG.

Grytnes was a farmer, while Bjørndal was the freest who competed with all the others TV 2The series, which is currently looking for new entrants for the upcoming season – and who also offered hot feelings this season:

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– Welcomed last year, moaning in winter and children arriving now. It's gone fast?

"It was very fast, so you do not doubt, Grytnes smiles.

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In the winter, the couple could announce that he was engaged and since then things have gone awry. In fact, they got engaged in January, a month after the last episode of "Hunting for Love".

The farmer from Andebu said that he might have dreamed of such a wing, but he did not think that he would strike that way in the "quest for". love".

"Having such a chance is not every day, it is certain," he says.

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The term is in the spring of 2019.

"We have not had an ultrasound yet, but it's not long, and then we get to know the sex and talk a bit more," says the farmer, who has no children before.

He says that Bjørndal sold his apartment and settled in the farm this summer.

And sit on the farm, at least.

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– It's like that in the country. It's far from the store, but very good space, he says.

– Is it extra time to have a girl or a boy?

– No, I can not say that I think about it. We want kids to choose what they want. But I think it's really fun to raise kids in a safe environment here at the farm.

This season, the 15th with "The pursuit of love on TV 2", that is Gudrun Austli of Snåsa who received the most attention, not too much kissing and kloning with the freedoms that she meets.

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