Erna Solberg bluffing in the abortion case


This is rare Politicians dare to sell obvious contradictions. Because it may seem like a lie and is generally unpopular. At present, and Prime Minister Erna Solberg has lit all his device to try to create as much confusion as possible about the tightening of the law on abortion.

Briefly summarized: They want a tightening that is not a tightening. A change that will have no practical consequences. They will remove the rights of women, but at the same time strengthen them.

Politics is often complicated, but it's absurd. Erna Solberg and the right are trying to win the NM by political manipulation.

This is obviously a lot at stake. And absolutely right: it is the possibility of a majority government with the KrF and legitimizing the very basis of the KrF's dismemberment on the blue side at the Friday country meeting. . The abortion frieze of Erna Solberg is considered to be one that has directed the majority towards blue.

But tipping KrF in the right direction was just the first step. And really the simplest. Now she has to finish the race. Without having the full support of their own party, without the support of party and government colleagues on the left and without the majority in Storting.

It will try to reconcile two incompatible points of view. KrF will see that they change, others will see that there is no change. Erna Solberg loses this task with life and pleasure.

But who is it really those fools. A brief examination of the realities of the case shows that Erna Solberg's arguments melt like snowfalls in November.

Erna Solberg proposed to amend Article 2c of the Abortion Act, which states: "After the end of the twelfth week of pregnancy, birth epidemics may occur when there is a high risk that the child is seriously ill, due to hereditary facilities, illnesses or adverse effects during pregnancy. "

Instead, she suggests that this should only apply in cases where "the fetus is not viable."

But that should not have practical consequences, says Erna. Abortion will still be possible after week 12 if the child has a severe disability, she confirms to questions from Dagens Næringsliv. But how his health minister, Bent Høie, supports another interview in VG: "We need to strengthen the focus on the wishes of women," he said.

There she is gaping logical holes. If you remove the right to abortion on the basis of objective criteria of critical illness, there are more. It can not be totally replaced by a lower objective criterion, plus a little more emphasis on women's wishes.

The practical consequence is simple and brutal: you can no longer make your choice based on a medical assessment of the fetus. No, if you are having an individual with a fetus in the stomach who is at risk of having a serious illness, you have to argue with other considerations in the hope of achieving the right one. abortion. We become a system that encourages lubrication to make the situation as difficult as possible. "Sure you", you must say. "Please," I can have the consequences of this difficult choice.

or; the man "puts the accent on the wishes of women", as it is called.

A right they already have in abortion law today. Abortion laws 2a and 2b deal with the right to abortion after 12 weeks on the basis of an assessment of the social, health and economic situation.

It is therefore a question of removing an existing right and replacing it with a right that existed before. The position does not end with 1-1, but with 0-1.

Erna Solberg takes on a great responsibility with this maneuver. The issue of abortion is a fundamental right in Norway. It's about individuals, ordinary people who are going to make one of the most difficult choices in their lives. If families who see their reality upset who should expect to live a difficult life, often in the context of a fight against public authorities to get enough support and facilitation. Those who are not allowed to choose, but who must pay the price to avoid a "sorting community".

It's the currency he's playing in the government's power struggle right now.

If not Erna Solberg's bluff goes to the end, KrF must thank for having removed the right to fetal reduction. Do you have celebrations, triplets or twins and you do not want to do it? do you want to perform an abortion on one or more fetuses, as the law currently provides before the 12th week of pregnancy, you will not receive.

Here too, your evaluation capacity is suspect and the assessment of the authorities is superb.

It is not the desire to protect the life to be born. It is the desire to protect the government of the four parties not yet born.

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