Fallout 76 does not get a multiplatform game with PlayStation


After Microsoft really opened the doors of collaboration with other platform owners in 2016, the game issue on consoles and PCs has grown more and more. However, two years later, Sony has not yet come to the party, and although many developers are positive about the concept, they can not do much

Fallout 76 players do not play than with others on the same platform. Bethesda

The Bethesda Fallout 76 is the latest in the list of games that would have liked to be played on all platforms, but he had to let it go. In an interview with the Gamestar site, Todd Howard rightly stated that this was not possible because of Sony's attitude.

– We would like to have it in Fallout 76, but for the moment that's not possible. Sony is not as useful as what we all want, but we'll see what will happen in the future, "said Bethesda's boss

Frustrating Situation

The Creator's Obvious Plugin of PlayStation reflects the frustration that keeps growing. developers and players. The fact that Sony plays on platforms has long been perceived as boring, but it is only recently – during the Fortnite soap opera between PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch – that it has been devastating for fans.

Last week, Sony's senior executive, Shawn Layden, said the company had explored more opportunities for cross-platform games. However, we have already heard, and probably the action in front of the fans can be convinced.

This is not the first time that Bethesda has had problems with Sony.
The developer has deliberately made some changes from Skyrim to PlayStation 4 "

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