"Farmen" season 14: – Response to the criticism "Farmen"


In the farm Gjedtjernet outside Kirkenær in the municipality of Crane, everything is ready for the recording of the fourteenth season "Farmen" of TV 2.

In recent months, the Strix production company is working on a bomb to turn the old farmhouse a washed landscape of the farm realm, where the vision is still to recreate Norway a hundred years ago.

The fourteen handpicked Norwegians who will fight for the struggle for existence in the coming weeks. Innlosjeres Thursday morning


– The experience should be as authentic as possible. We have, among other things, had to remove a high-voltage power cord there, says Gaute Grøtta Grav (39), a long-term farmen programmer at Dagbladet.

On the other side of the tranquil pond, surrounded by a densely populated forest, lies County Road 201. The sound of passing vehicles sounds good in the check-in area and Of course, it does not belong to a "Farmen" universe. As a result, Strix was allowed to close parts of the road until October, a decision that created fury in the local community.

The case continues further down.

  OMSTRIDT SPERRING: As part of the Farmen registration, a stretch along the county road 201 must be closed. The road is blocked in the night and reopens in October. Here at the entrance of this year's TV court. Photo: Miriam Bakkejord / View and listen
OMSTRIDT SPERRING: As part of the recording "Farmen" this year, a stretch along the county road 201 will be closed. The road is blocked in the night and reopens in October. Here at the entrance of this year's TV court. Photo: Miriam Bakkejord / See and Listen
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In the application to the Norwegian Public Roads Administration to which Se and Hør acceded, Strix mentions car noise, unauthorized safety and the safety of participants as arguments to block the road. who had it in the village to ignite the traffic jams. The carpenter Hans Magnus Martinsen (55), who lives close to the farm "Farmers", is one of them.

The article continues during advertising

– Idiotically

– The municipality made an announcement yesterday, but we who oppose it, we have not been heard. I think it's silly enough to close a road because of a reality TV series, he adds, adding:

  DO NOT HAVE THE MISNØYEN: Marit Aasthorp Figved (73), resident of Crane, wants to welcome the "Farmen" to the village. Picture: Private
Do not delete the MISNØYE: Marit Aasthorp Figved (73) wants to welcome "Farmen" to the village. Photo: Private
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– I often use the road when I'm at work, but I'll probably have to postpone some missions now. Just because the other is too bad. Good publicity for the municipality or one, I do not think it's worth it.

Another seer Se and Hør spoke to those who do not want to appear with names who are frustrated by the decision

– The county road is used diligently, and the detour is an old road gravel with a bad fuse. This will cause problems for larger vehicles, among other things, says the man.

Meditation Marit Aasthorp Figved (73) is also one of those involved in the local debate "Farmen". She totally disagrees with the above

– I think people have been excessively negative and think it's a meaningless discussion. Okay, the detour box has a level a little lower, but is not it a slowdown? According to her, this is not a rally before the winter, referring to the annual gathering event in the Finnskog region.

– In addition, the municipality only benefits from advertising. We would like to have more residents in Crane and Finnskogen, she adds

The case continues further down

  IDYLLIC: The Strix production company ripped the area off the farm of Gjedtjernet for several years. The disputed county road can thus be explored behind the pond in the background. Photo: Alex Iversen / TV 2
IDYLLISK: The Strix production company tore the area off the Gjedtjernet farm for several years. The disputed county road can thus be explored behind the pond in the background. Photo: Alex Iversen / TV 2
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– Maybe

Earlier, "Farmen" recordings were usually added to a chopped, isolated and isolated landscape, far from the roads and buildings of the county. Gaute Grøtta Grav acknowledges that this year's season has provided extra work

– We have been monitoring this area for many years, but we still think that the high-tension and motorway lines stop shooting possible. Fortunately, the municipality has been incredibly helpful so that we can finally get it, "he told Dagbladet.

The programmer even recorded criticism of some in the area.

– I fully understand that someone thinks it's frustrating and boring, and maybe as invasive. I'm sorry about that. When we arrived here, it was true that it had to be. There is too much noise from the road, he explains.

Promise good publicity

– You have not considered finding another place just in view of the challenges of the departmental road?

As mentioned, having a dream of playing "Farmen" here for many years, promises to deliver amazing postcards from here. It is hoped that proud inhabitants will see the village on television in October, "says Grøga Grav in the newspaper.

  DON GAU: Gaute Grøtta Grav poses in a famous style.
GOOGLE SEG: Gaute Grøtta Grav poses in a familiar style, here "Farmen" -stua Photo: Alex Iversen / TV 2
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The Mayor of the Municipality of Crane, Wenche Huser Sund (H), hopes and believes that residents can live with the bypass decision for the next eleven weeks.

– We make daily diversions to Norway well. Of course, it is unfortunate that the county road is blocked, but the "Farmers" have so much market value for the municipality that we can tolerate the sacrifice. I've been talking to a lot of these days, and I feel that the storm is starting to calm down, says the mayor, who ensures the safety of the diversion box

– I hope that calm will fall again very quickly on the Finnskogen. : Participant of the "Farmen" season last year, Camilla Cox Barfot had dressed a political message on the red carpet before this year's Gullruten distribution. Reporter: Ruben Pedersen / Video: Ingrid Cogorno / Clip: Ørjan Ryland
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There were also reports of forest fires on the county road, although in another stretch at 4 pm in the afternoon. Press contact for "Farmen" in TV 2, Alex Iversen, announces to see and hear that the production "Farmen" is not affected.

– Everything is happening for the moment and the forest fire is nothing that touches us. We did not have to take any additional measures, he said.

ALSO READ: Cursed by millionmell

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